Monday, September 24, 2007

"Days: 15"

Hey... So I have made a major change from "Day 1" to the t-shirt. I added the word "Days" to the shirt, and started a permanent marker tally. Word on the street is, if you're really nice to me, I just might let you tally one up yourself...

The shirt has gotten nice and dirty, and in the process I have been applying air freshening products to try to take away its smelly edge. I succeeded in creating a combination that made me sneeze a lot, and get a slight headache. I gave the shirt a really quick rinse this morning (for the first time) and it seemed to clear things up. I have taken some pictures of the shirt which I think successfully illustrate that it is no longer a "white" t-shirt.

Also, I will be meeting with Queen's Television soon for a little "Life of a T-shirt" expose, so thats pretty exciting! Stay tuned for that... and I will make a video update as soon as I have some more time/ things worth talking about!

